We stand behind our products and if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase you may return it within 15 days of delivery (delivery means the date the shipment was marked delivered by the carrier’s tracking number). Upon receiving your items, we request 2 business days to inspect the item and process your return. Once inspected and processed by our team for a refund, please allow 3 to 5 business days for your funds to arrive back to your original payment method. You can start a return by emailing us or messaging us on our contact us page.
To be eligible for a return we require the following:
- Receipt or proof of your purchase from SLAPZ Audio
- The item must be unused and in the same condition you received it
- The item must be returned within 15 days of receiving the item
- In order to receive a full refund, the item must be returned in its original packaging. The packaging must not be damaged or missing product inserts, packing material, etc.
In order to receive a full refund, SLAPZ Audio does require all returns to be sent back in the original packaging. If you do not have the original packaging there will be a 20% restocking fee. If we discover the item was used we will not issue a refund or store credit. However, we will give you the option to send the item back to you at your cost.
SLAPZ Audio does not provide a prepaid return label for returns. Shipping a returned item to SLAPZ audio must have tracking with insurance coverage as we hold no responsibility for lost or damaged items during the return shipping process. Once the return is received and inspected, we will credit the purchase price back to the original payment method less the cost of the shipping rate we paid to send the item to you.
Upon receiving your return, SLAPZ Audio requests 2 business days to inspect the item and process your return. Once inspected and processed by our team for a refund, please allow 3 to 5 business days for your funds to arrive back to your original payment method.